alltex & plastexpo 2019

Alltex-Expo is a specialized exhibition and presentation event that joins the entire cycle of production and use of the textiles from the manufacturer to the buyer.
This event is successful because of the constant participation of field-specific companies, the presentation of new products, the inclusion of new participants and carrying out the related business events, as well as the discussions of current industry topics and demonstrations of new products.

Plast Expo UA is the only exhibition in Ukraine that gathers the experts in the field of plastics and rubber processing, starting from the production of raw materials, creation of new domestic equipment and finishing with the automation of technological processes. During the period of Ukrainian market adaptation to the EU requirements, Plast Expo Ua gives everyone who is at the origins of creating the new production, partial modernization or global update of the existing plants and companies, an opportunity to get oriented among the variety of products, brands and technologies offered at our market: it will be better to see everything in the work at the Plast Expo UA exposition.